“A family for child adoption” Singapore

According to the Marriage (Matrimony) and Family Code (hereinafter referred to as the Code), a child may be placed in a family for child adoption singapore, guardianship, foster care, or foster family.
Adoption is a legal form of transferring a child to a family based on a court decision, as a result of which personal non-property and property rights and obligations arise, equivalent to the duties and entitlements of blood kin.
A Foster family is a form of placement in a family that has adopted at least four and not more than ten orphans, children left without parental care. They are members of educational institutions for abandoned children and orphans.
Under article of the Code, children whose only or both parents are:
- Died;
- Abandoned the child;
- Deprived and not restored in parental rights;
- Gave consent to the adoption of the child by relatives, persons married (matrimonial) to the mother or father of the adopted child (children);
- Missing, or declared dead;
Only minor children whose births have been duly registered may be adopted. It is also worth remembering that adoption can be carried out only in their interests, taking into account the possibility of ensuring the full physical, mental, spiritual, and moral development of the child. This takes into account the age, maturity, and consent of the child to adoption.
Derived information
At the same time, if the parents have abandoned the child, relatives can adopt him, regardless of their citizenship and place of residence.
Different families should not adopt siblings. In this case, adoption is possible only if the children do not know about their relationship, did not live together, and were not brought up together.
Derived information on orphans, and children left without parental care includes information on sex, age, state of health, character traits, reasons for the lack of parental care, the presence of brothers and sisters, adult relatives, as well as possible forms of placement in families and photographs of children contained in the Republican Data.
The Data Bank was created with the following goals in mind:
- Registration of children to be placed in a family (adoption, guardianship, foster care, foster family);
- Ensuring access to non-confidential information about orphans and children left without parental care who are in organizations for children in this category to place them in families;
- Reduction in the number of orphans and children left without parental care in the care of the state in organizations for children in this category through placement in families, citizens through the possible placement of children in families (adoption, guardianship, foster care, foster family);